What are the 5 rarest mental disorders?

Khyâl's cap or “wind attacks” is a syndrome found among Cambodians in the United States and Cambodia. Alice in Wonderland syndrome (AIWS), also known as Todd syndrome, causes patients to experience distortions in their perceptions of time, space, or the appearance of their bodies in the world around them. Currently, there is no definitive cause for SIWS, but the condition is often associated with migraines, brain tumors, and medication use. Children between the ages of five and 10 are also susceptible to the condition.

A mental disorder that is more fun than strange, Paris syndrome is defined as a feeling of great disappointment on the part of some people who, when visiting Paris, experience a shock of extreme reality because the city does not live up to their expectations. People who suffer from Stendhal syndrome experience symptoms such as anxiety, panic attacks and hallucinations when exposed to art. Or more precisely, extremely beautiful art. Although several cases of Stendhal syndrome have been reported over the decades since, psychologists have not yet determined whether Stendhal syndrome is classified as a legitimate mental condition.

Alien Hand Syndrome causes people to experience the terrifying feeling that one of their hands has a mind of its own, with often horrible effects. While it is a fairly rare disorder, people with alien hand syndrome are known to exhibit behavior that shows that one of their hands is trying to do something completely out of line with the individual's main thinking. Integrity of body identity disorder (BIID) is a rare and poorly studied condition in which patients want to become paralyzed or remove certain limbs because they don't see them as a legitimate part of their body. Since BIID is taboo, few patients have come forward and many medical professionals have not recognized it as a legitimate disease.

In the past, scientists have postulated that the BIID was the result of a sexual fetishism or psychosis, but modern research suggests that it is an identity disorder. Most likely, the cause is congenital damage to the parietal lobe, which is responsible for the sensation, perception and integration of sensory input. Patients with conversion disorder suffer from neurological symptoms, such as blindness or loss of motor control, without any clear physical cause. Most patients experience symptoms after a high-stress event.

The most common patients tend to be those who are constantly exposed to stressors, such as people with low economic levels and military officers. Although the exact cause is unknown, brain imaging has shown that people with conversion disorder have abnormal blood flow to various areas of the brain. Symptoms often go away on their own, but mental health treatment is available for people with recurrent symptoms. While the symptoms of conversion disorder are not the result of physical trauma, they are as severe and real as those caused by typical brain damage.

Jerusalem syndrome describes an overwhelming reaction to being in Jerusalem. It is probably the result of the extreme idealization of the place as a holy land, encountering the reality that it also functions as a typical city. The inability to unite these two ideas in the mind and the subsequent disappointment at unfulfilled expectations results in varying levels of psychosis. Symptoms include anxiety, desire to see the city alone, desire to be clean or pure, and a compulsive need to recite religious texts, sing sacred songs, or deliver sermons.

In general, most cases do not require hospitalization. Alien Hand Syndrome causes the hand to act as an independent and autonomous entity. The hand has the same strength as before and does not move sporadically, but in a controlled manner. Patients report that it feels like someone else has taken their hand.

It has multiple causes, all related to brain degeneration, such as Alzheimer's, a damaged corpus callosum and brain injuries. Some psychologists have even suggested that social media platforms such as Twitter, Instagram, and YouTube may aggravate the condition, as it breaks the barrier between people who would otherwise be disconnected. It creates a false sense of kinship and a sense of connection that the emotionally vulnerable cling to in their time of need. This has been supported by several studies that suggest that attachment observed in erotomania is a form of coping mechanism for managing severe stress.

Factitious disorder tends to affect less than 0.5% of the population. However, there is not yet an agreed cause of how Capgras syndrome develops. Some researchers believe it is a neurological problem in the brain, caused by atrophy, injury or brain dysfunction. While, on the other hand, others believe that it is a combination of physical and cognitive changes.

With yet another theory that states that it is a problem of perception linked to damaged or missing memories. The next condition is perhaps something that can be used as a joke in a sitcom. But it is, nevertheless, something very real. Stendhal syndrome is described as someone who experiences.

The diagnostic criteria for DSM-5 specify that two or more symptoms of schizophrenia must be present for a period of at least one month. Selective mutism occurs when a person is physically unable to speak in certain social settings. It is a rare mental disorder that is most commonly found in children under five years of age. A child with this condition can speak normally most of the time, but constantly cannot speak in specific settings.

This is not an unwillingness to speak, but a physical inability to produce speech. Most children with this disorder also experience intense social fears. Psychologists think that it is often a way to avoid or escape horrible memories, and it is often associated with huge traumatic events such as wars or natural disasters (found in 0.2 percent of the population, but in much greater numbers after major traumas). Treatment tends to focus on accepting the trauma that caused the dissociation through targeted therapy.

In addition, in severe cases, some people benefit from electroconvulsive therapy (ECT). Charles Bonnet syndrome (CBS) is a common condition among people with severe vision loss characterized by temporary visual hallucinations. CBS is not due to a psychiatric condition, symptom of dementia, or other illness. Rather, it is a condition specifically related to pathological vision loss.

This is more common in people with macular degeneration, glaucoma, and diabetic retinopathy. Although it may be common, awareness is limited, which can cause confusion and concern among those who experience and diagnose it. There is no treatment, but symptoms usually resolve within 12 to 18 months. Patients can be sure that this is a normal symptom that will resolve on its own.

Capgras Delusions, named after a French psychiatrist who described the illusion of doubles, is a delusion of misidentification. A person will have the delusional belief that an acquaintance, usually a spouse or other close member of the family, has been replaced by an identical-looking impostor. An example would be a patient who thinks that his mother and father have been replaced by an impostor. This is one of the most interesting mental disorders that mental health professionals are clearly still trying to understand and treat.

Understand that there is absolutely no shame in receiving psychiatric treatment and that communicating with it can greatly improve the quality of life of people with the most prevalent mental conditions, such as ADHD, eating disorders and depression. Imagine that you suffer from a mental illness that makes you believe that your partner is an imposter bent on hurting you, or that it convinces you that books are for eating, or worse, that you have somehow become the walking dead. These are some of the less common mental health disorders recognized by the American Psychiatric Association (APA) Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders (DSM-V). Sleep disorders related to other mental disorders, as well as sleep disorders related to general medical conditions, have been eliminated from DSM-5.Although the exact number of Kluver-Bucy patients is unknown, the National Institute of Health classifies the syndrome as extremely rare.

The syndromes and disorders that I have collected here are rare, but not unheard of, and I am not only bringing them up because of their novel value. The actual cause of the condition is not exactly clear and, as with all mental health conditions, how it manifests itself will be very circumstantial and will depend on that person's environmental influences, current mental state, and reference personality. While not a complete list of all mental disorders, the following list includes some of the major categories of disorders described in the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders (DSM). Learning about mental illness and mental disorders helps us understand the mental health and difficulties of those around us.

It is very common among older people, people with dementia, people with a history of mental health, and people who at some point in their lives have been abandoned or who have lacked a stable family environment. Dissociative identity disorder (DID), formerly known as multiple personality disorder, is a frightening mental illness that is included in countless movies and television shows, but is grossly misunderstood. Cotard's delirium is a frightening mental condition that causes patients to believe that parts of their bodies are missing or that they are dying, dead, or even missing. People with this mental health condition believe that someone in their life who plays an important role has been replaced by an imposter.

Most people affected by this disorder are children or adults who also have a developmental delay or an intellectual disability. . .

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